Sunday, April 18, 2010

The cracks are starting to show...

So, it turns out that not only do the White Trash have oodles of short-term visitors...but so do the Raiders fans. :-( It concerns me why people come for visits of 5-15 minutes...all I can think of is that they are picking up some "pick-me-ups" which is not really something I wanted to live around. I mean seriously, I wouldn't live where there was a 7-11, so why would I want to live by a Ganja Mart?

In addition to the steady flow of people, the semi-adult daughter of the Raiders fans (to be referred to as Trampalina from here on out) seems to enjoy parking in my one street spot rather than the 3-4 street spots in front of her house. All of the little "friends" of the semi-adult son of the Raiders fans also seem to enjoy my parking spot. I don't have a ton of friends coming over all the time, but I should be ABLE to have them come over and expect to park near my house! I talked to the Raiders dad and he said he'd ask them not to park there. Since the house was vacant for nearly a year before I moved in...I figure people have kind of gotten used to certain things. I can deal with that...and it seems like everyone but Trampalina is semi-respectful of the idea. The hoodlums (aka friends of the semi-adult son aka Loser Boy) are more apt to just sit and wait to pick up Loser Boy instead of actually parking for the duration. Phew...only one problem person.

The White Trash continue to be a drive-thru and have loud volume...but they are what they are I guess. I feel bad...there are like 2 adult men, 2 adult women and at least 1 kid full-time (and oodles the rest of the time along with more adults!) in a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom house (thanks Zillow for the info!). Oddly, they have two brand new trucks but can't afford a house that is the right size. Oh well...their lives right? I'm also noticing that only the women seem to leave and go to work. The men hang out all day and entertain their "guests" and mosey around outside on their cells. they have time to go play golf and the like. Perhaps I should get into their careers! ;-)

The banana boxes also seem to be getting taller...which doesn't bode well. I finally asked Sanford & Son what he does for a liviing...he sells stuff at flea markets. Suddenly I understand the banana boxes and I'm concerned! His van is to the roof with crap! Really hoping his house doesn't go that route, but having met his 3 dogs I'm not really too hopeful. One is older and a very nice dog, but matted fur with some poo matted into the haunches, the other 2 are brother and sister border collies and adorable! The brown one (female) immediately liked me and I wanted to kidnap her as those 2 aren't in the best condition either. I can tell he loves them, but it seems that everything in his life is more than he can deal with. Sad...and I'm not really that fond of staring at Chiquita boxes! ;-)

The cat-pee and rat bushes are now gone too...replaced by roses which will add to security and will smell much be pretty! The backyard is shaping up too...hedges are a thing of the past and there is now room for a veggie garden! Plus there is now a light in the main shower so I can use the bathroom closest to my room now! Thank God for the Rent-A-Honey!

In the beginning...

As an avid watcher of "House Hunters" on HGTV, the whole house buying process seemed quite simple to me. You go look at houses (I did realize that their 3 visits was totally unrealistic, though I got lucky and only looked at maybe 5 before I found my home), you make an offer, maybe you have to dicker a bit, and then you get your keys. WRONG!!! In the real world, there is the "30 day close" period. During this time, all sorts of stuff goes on...but the gist of it don't get your house for 30 days. Suzanne Whang never ever mentions that you have to be *gasp* PATIENT!!! (this is not one of my you will soon learn)

So I sit impatiently and wait for the 30 days to pass...seems like eons and then suddenly...I have my keys. Woohoo! Finally I can put in notice to my landlords (who turned out to be somewhat douchey and ended up being taken to small claims court over the deposit...not MY fault they had lost nearly $200,000 on their investment!) and get to packing (ew...hate packing).

First things first...the stark white walls have GOT to go! I chose a nice greyish-green in the living room and a greyish-blue for the dining room. Subtle colors but enough to make it more homey. I like it! A few yellow highlights in the kitchen to kind of test the waters and we are done painting! Phew! During the 2 days that I painted, I got to kind of watch how the neighborhood behaved. It was the weekend, so people were even home. Thankfully, things were nice and quiet and peaceful...I did good!

With the help of a few wonderful friends and my cousin and her boyfriend (who I think I broke during the move), I manage to get out of the old house and into the new...and I am at last a resident homeowner. Wonderful feeling...I highly recommend it to everyone (even with the tales that will unwind here).

During the month of closing, the house kind of cattywampus from me across the street has rented now we only have one vacancy on the street and it has just sold. I'm pretty happy about this with all the foreclosures and crime that occurs at empty need for that in my life. As I get moved in, the new family seems ok...they seem to have their volume set only on loud, but I'm used to this as my old neighbors had the same issue. No problems, wish it were a wee bit quieter but oh well! :-)

I have noticed that the house across the street (not totally cattywampus but not directly between the two) has gone from being a cute little craftsman to a cute little craftsman with a LOT of banana boxes on the front porch. Not sure what this is all about, but maybe the guy is moving or something. Looks icky, but I'm sure it's temporary. This sadly earns that house a nickname..."Sanford and Son"...due to the fact that it looks like a junkyard. But the guy there is pretty quiet and pretty nice so if he's a little messy I guess it's ok.

Meanwhile, back at the cattywampus house...I'm noticing a LOT of very short-term visitors. People are pulling up all the time and leaving within 1-15 minutes. Not a good sign...especially since that house has also garnered a nickname..."The White Trash"...due to the variety of occupants and/or visitors. Nothing against white trash mind you...I know some very nice white trash...but they are a breed unto their own and that's all there is to say about that! I'm concerned about the steady flow of visitors...often this signifies um...people picking "stuff" up. Not good, but nothing definitive yet!

At the same time, the house to the left of me (as you stand on my porch looking at the street) has what seem like very nice people in it. (these are the Raiders fans) They are pleasant and we smile and nod hello when we see each other. I like having neighbors I like and who like me.

The people on the other side of me are also quite nice...albeit um...unique. The man is a bit on the vocal side and we have some definite differences of opinion, but we seem to do ok with this and get along quite well. Oddly, I don't have a nickname for these folks.

The people directly across from me are very nice. They fly a Norwegian flag under the US flag on their pole, so they are heretofore known as the Norwegians...even though only he is from Norway. They are quiet and have a lovely house and yard...and a very sweet dog!

So, aside from a few banana boxes that are poorly placed...and some odd "traffic" at one house, things seem pretty good. I love my house, I'm doing stuff on it to make it more me...and my "Rent-A-Honey" (see the wonderful moving friends!) has used his amazingly huge array of talents to make some upgrades and make the house a little safer (let's just say the knob-and-tube wiring in the garage was a wee bit scary!) for me and Riva (my dog) to live in.

I like being a homeowner and the extra 20 minutes on my commute (only 60 miles each way *barf*) is worth coming home to my home and my neighborhood.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Welcome to the neighborhood...I think...

A little over a year ago, I bought a house finally. I live in a nice medium-sized town (about 80,000 people) in the wonderful San Joaquin Valley of California. It's close enough to the Bay Area to provide easyish access to everything (including work) but at the same time, it's in the "country."

My house is an adorable California Craftsman built in 1927 and in nearly original condition...pocket doors, crown moldings, light fixtures...the works! I loved it pretty much right away! (seeing through the unfortunate "cat-pee and rat bushes out front (aka juniper bushes) and the blinding white paint of course!) I got a great deal and was able to buy real estate in California, which I'd previously thought to be an impossibility. Yay for me! :-)

My street is 2 blocks long, with one block being commercial but quiet. The residential block is bounded by two streets that are quiet as is mine. All of the houses are of the same era and the trees are mature and wonderful. I'm right by the old downtown, so I can walk to the weekly Farmer's Market and restaurants and the wonderful old theatre that has been refurbished and plays a few classics every year. Oh...and I can go to the festivals that come to town without fighting for parking!

The neighbors that I met on my initial visit and my return with the inspection guy seemed very nice (though they ARE Oakland Raiders fans...not a big plus for me! hehe) and it as always peaceful and quiet and wonderful. However...some of the "what seems to be's" turned out to be a little less than they seemed. Nothing outrageous for the most part...just the consequences of city living. But, my less than desireable neighbors are somewhat entertaining...and maddening...and annoying...but mostly entertaining (especially to my friends who urged this blog!).

So, I invite you to come along on this little journey with me. I'll get us caught up gradually...and then we'll go "live" and you can experience the wonderment right along with me! :-)